1:1 Voice Sessions


Online tailored 1:1 sessions with Bethan Lloyd


Dive deep into the belly of the underworld and shoot high into ecstatic bliss. Experience yourself as a vessel for the unlimited power of the unbound voice.


Join me online, from the comfort of your own home, for a personally tailored exploration of the limitless capacity of your voice, where you will experience total freedom of expression, intimate knowledge of your internal alchemy and an unbound connection to the source of all inspiration


The Sessions Include

▲ Vocal Technique, Strengthening, Confidence And Projection ▲

▲ Somatic Work And Therapeutic Enquirey ▲

▲ Exploring Your Internal Landscape Through Sound ▲

▲ Transmuting Energy Within The Body ▲

▲ Releasing Creative Blocks ▲

▲ Working With Internal Archetypes ▲

▲ Processing Grief ▲

▲ Unlocking The Art Of Improvisation ▲

▲ Creating Meaningful Music, A Body Of Original Songs ▲

▲ Deep Listening And Responding To Nature In Your Local Environment ▲

▲ Exploring Trance States ▲

▲ Experiencing Your Animal Body ▲

▲ Working With The Elements ▲

▲ Working With Ancestral Guides ▲

▲ Expanding Your Palette Of Sound And Expression ▲


These sessions will leave you feeling more alive and integrated with your environment, allowing you to enter into the fullest expression of your being. You will experience a sense of empowerment and a deep knowledge of your internal landscape. You will know the capacity of the voice as being more than just a tool for speaking and singing, but as a magical instrument for accessing deeper unseen realms. From there you will gain confidence write, perform and share your unique gift of sound with the world. 



✨ One Off Session: £95

✨ A block of 4 Sessions: £85 each

✨ A block of 8 Sessions: £75 each

To book please send an email to info@bethanlloyd.net and tell me a little about your journey with your voice.


About Me

Hello, I’m Bethan and I’ll be guiding you in these sessions. I have spent many years researching voice and how it is used across the globe in ritual, ceremony and magic. I started singing and performing when I was 6 years old, in Wales, where voice is still honoured as an integral part of our culture and I went on to train as a classical singer. My interest in spirituality was always deeply interwoven with vocal expression, I spent many hours singing up trees and rolling around in mud trying to uncover the secrets of the Universe! This interest led me to Theology and Religious studies at Cambridge University where I learned all that I could from an academic perspective, but ultimately, my real studies were experiential and embodied. After university I travelled the world, and came to focus my attention on the ancient wisdoms of India and Brazil. In both lands I learnt about the void, deep listening, spirit possession and Animacy. I lived with indigenous Tribes and in Ashrams deeply immersing myself in both cultures. 

A very deep remembering started in me however when I returned to my homeland of Wales and spent many months in silence. This re-sensitised me to the needs and the longings of this land, which is still singing, and has never forgotten its own indigenous wisdoms. I have worked alongside teachers such as Mac Macartney and countless numbers of vocal explorers in numerous retreats across the British Isles to try to bring back the ancient ceremonies of this land. Voice was one of the central modes of entering trance and connecting to forces beyond our everyday experience. By stepping into a ceremony with sound and voice, we are remembering the old ways and allowing the memory to fill us with a deep knowing of land and place. 

As well as teaching voice, I work as a professional musician and performer. I have four solo releases and have performed at festivals and shows across the globe. I collaborate with a number of artists on various musical projects and work as a vocal composer for film, TV and multi-disciplinary performances.  




“Bethan has a unique understanding and reverence for the human voice. She holds a unique and empowering space for people from all walks of life to explore and find authentic sound from within - weaving elements of folk song, deep body work and the ancient magick of collective toning, improvisation and chanting. I have never experienced such a level of creative freedom, presence and deep human connection as I have when sounding and singing with Bethan in the Welsh mountains!”

Sian O’Gorman - Creative Director of NYX

“Bethan’s voice work is rich in depth, clearly woven from years of study and practice. Her deftly balanced teaching often brings in play and lightness, yet she also has the rare ability to guide participants deep into the unconscious realms safely. Places where transformation and magic can occur. If you are interested in exploring the untapped power of your voice, I highly recommend doing so in her extremely capable hands.”

Jody White - Writer, Healer, Drummer


“Bethan is a magical guide who will draw your voice out from its hiding place and lead it on an exhilarating emotional journey, from the serene to the playful, the sacred to the dirty, and the angelic to the monsterous. She'll bring out your inner spirit creatures - whether they be rasping badgers, hooting owls or operatic dragons - and get them to sing in joyful harmony.”

Brett Scott - Writer

“Bethan unveils buried treasure like no-one else I know. She teaches with immense love, strength and self-confidence… dares you to delve deeply… to bear your sorrows… and then stand up again afterwards.”

Ric Hollingberry - Musician


“Working with Bethan during the production of my latest film about intuitive magic and the body was a splendor. I want to keep co-creating with her and diving deep into the explorative vocal body. Since my work has been so external I was so impressed watching and seeing Bethan facilitate a group of femmes during our choreographic process. It truly helped the performers dive deep into a sense of self and occupy the performative body. Her attention to hold the space and the room, her acute knowledge of vocal wisdom and unlocking humans was incredible. Bethan is a wonder and her ability to facilitate is unique and needs to be spread throughout more bodies to help one find a deeper sense of self.”

Lauren Pringle - Movement & Film Director

“I am beyond grateful for the teaching Bethan has shared with me. It’s really transformed the way I think about my voice, making sound and creating art. In Bethan’s workshops I feel I’ve been able to channel the unconscious and unharness creativity from deep within myself. I struggle a lot with anxiety around singing but Bethan has helped me to get past this.  Her method of teaching makes you feel comfortable, allowing you to explore the full range of your voice and sound. I really value how connected Bethan’s teaching is to our ancestors, the land and nature. It has been so special learning to deep listen to nature and open myself up to the songs and magic that are out there waiting for us. This work is so important, I feel I don’t have the words to express how valuable it is. I have learnt skills I will use in every area and take with me throughout my life.”

Shireen, Visual Artist & Member of NYX 


"Bethan Lloyd has a mischievous knack for getting you to do things you didn't know you could do, especially when it comes to the sounding voice. Full-throated yodels, delicate harmonies, pounding hearts, subtle vibrations, stomping giants, ethereal choirs... All are within her range. But you'd better be careful. She might transform you into a new kind of being. You may even find a freedom you never knew was possible. In the play of singing sound.”

Eric Maddern - Writer, Founder of Cae Mabon

“Bethan brings a deep and intuitive holding to her work, with a mastery of voice and sound that invited even the most shy amongst us to feel safe to express ourselves. Her approach is playful, authentic and inclusive, as she deftly weaves her magic alongside embodied practices that invite genuine healing and transformation. I will never forget the spontaneous grief ritual that emerged from an exercise of silently expressing our more challenging emotions, and the way Bethan expertly held the container for such deep feelings to be witnessed and released. Or the way her Welsh lullaby brings me to tears every time I hear it!”

Isla Maclead - Ceremonialist & Ritual Guide